
Tuesday 12 June 2012


   It was early in the morning when the NAWASCO (Nakuru Water and Sanitation Company) vehicle approached  the school gate.Without consulting the headteacher the men in the vehicle went direct to cut all pipes that brings water in the school compound.The drama begun and went on for three hours,according to the man who willingly spoke to me said the school had the debt of Ksh. 700,000 (seven hundred thousands) for the last two months.

   In addition, he said the school has been using water without permit from NAWASCO.The headteacher said he was not aware that employees of the water company were in the school compound during their daily chores.He requested them to wait untill he consult the school board on how to pay the water bill.Later on he called staff meeting where he said the incidence has nothing to do with the teaching programmes so as them to continue with their duties as usual.Since it is a boarding and  day school it may have had time to operate without water.

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